Sunday, November 20, 2011

Renew Your Dreams ---

Forget your age. Clearly it's what you do, not when you do it that really matters.
At age 7 Mozart wrote his first symphony.
At age 14 country singer LeAnn Rimes won her first two Grammy awards.
At age 16 swimmer Shane Gould won 3 Olympic Gold medals
At age 17 Joan of Arc led an army in defense of France.
At age 20 Debbi Fields founded Mrs. Fields cookie company.
At age 21 Fred DeLuca co-founded Subway with just $1,000. in the bank.
At age 43 John F. Kennedy ran for the U.S. Presidency, and won.
At age 45 boxer George Foreman regained the heavyweight championship of the world.
At age 46 Jack Nicklaus won his 6th Masters tournament.
At age 54 jockey Willie Shoemaker won the Kentucky Derby.
At age 57 Ray Kroc founded MacDonald's.
At age 62 Colonel Sanders devoted himself to Kentucky Fried Chicken.
At age 78 Grandma Moses started painting and was still participating in one-woman art shows well into her nineties.
At age 83 architect Frank Lloyd Wright was asked which one of his masterpieces was the best. "My next one," he said.
At age 84 Titian painted his famous "Allegory of the Battle of Lepanto."
At age 86 Ruth Rothfarb ran the Boston Marathon in just over 5 hours. "You lose a lot of speed between 80 and 86," she joked.
On his 104th birthday Cal Evans was interviewed by a Denver reporter. "Have you lived in Denver all your life?" asked the reporter. Cal laughed and replied, "Not yet, Sonny."

Whether you're five or 105, you have a lifetime ahead of you-- so renew your dreams!
What are you passionate about?
What is something you've always wanted to do but haven't done?
Right now is a good time to start.

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