Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Pessimist and the Optimist

The Pessimist and the Optimist - A short and meaningful story.A family had twin boys whose only resemblance to each other was their looks. If one felt it was too hot, the other thought it was too cold. If one said the TV was too loud, the other claimed the volume needed to be turned up. Opposite in every way, one was an eternal optimist, the other a doom & gloom pessimist.

Just to see what would happen, on the twins’ birthday their father loaded the pessimist’s room with every imaginable toy and game. The optimist’s room he loaded with horse manure.

That night the father passed by the pessimist’s room and found him sitting amid his new gifts crying bitterly.

“Why are you crying?” the father asked.

“Because my friends will be jealous, I’ll have to read all these instructions before I can do anything with this stuff, I’ll constantly need batteries, and my toys will eventually get broken,” answered the pessimist twin.

Passing the optimist twin’s room, the father found him dancing for joy in the pile of manure. “What are you so happy about?” he asked.

To which his optimist twin replied, “There’s got to be a pony in here somewhere!”

Aspire to Inspire before you Expire

Aspire to Inspire before you Expire- Allowing yourself to become inspired and then sharing your thoughts, words and actions with others so that you inspire them in some way, is one of the ultimate fulfillments in this lifetime. We each came here with a gift to share and our responsibility is to uncover it with inspired guidance, allowing inspiration to help it unfold, and then taking inspired action to do it. Inspired living is spirit-driven whereas a usual lifestyle is ego-driven.
To sum up, It simply says to have the desire to arouse and positively influence an individual into action so that they fulfill their innermost desires before they die and leave this planet. And it also applies to you – allowing inspiration to flow through you so that you too experience an inspired life. As always, the choice is yours! Be the inspiration!!!!!!!!

Paid In Full

Paid In Full - Remember reading this beautiful story with a powerful message a few years ago.Read on...A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.

As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautifully wrapped gift box. Curious, and somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man's name embossed in gold.

Angry, he shouted at his father and said "with all your money, you give me a Bible?" and stormed out of the house.

Many years passed and the young man had become very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and wonderful family, but realized his father now was getting old, and thought perhaps he should go see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.

When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important papers and saw the still gift-wrapped Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. His father had carefully underlined a verse, Matt.7:11, "And if ye, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father which is in Heaven, give to those who ask Him?"

As he read those words, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had wanted. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words PAID IN FULL.

How many times do we miss God's blessings because we can't see past our own desires? How many times do we miss God's blessings because they are not packaged as we expected?
By: Author Unknown

Be happy today and everyday.

Be happy today and everyday. Feel the joy in your heart and be grateful for all of your gifts in life. You are all safe and protected in this world. Let go and have faith in the knowledge that where you are at this very moment is by divine grace. Please have patience with yourself for all things will be revealed to you in time. Love is the only way for all and is in relationships with one another and your earth. Be kind to yourself for all is well. Release all negative thoughts and begin changing to positive ways. Forgive yourself for everyone is on a learning journey. All is forgiven and remember to forgive and love yourself for you are all from the grace of god and loved dearly.

Did you know?? The 12 Days of Christmas actually start Christmas NIGHT and continue thru Jan 5-7 (depending on what calendar is used)... Here is one rendition on what the religious symbolism is for the Twelve Days of Christmas: 1 True Love refers to God 2 Turtle Doves refers to the Old and New Testaments 3 French Hens refers to Faith, Hope and Charity, the Theological Virtues 4 Calling Birds refers to the Four Gospels and/or the Four Evangelists 5 Golden Rings refers to the first Five Books of the Old Testament, the "Pentateuch", which gives the history of man's fall from grace. 6 Geese A-laying refers to the six days of creation 7 Swans A-swimming refers to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments 8 Maids A-milking refers to the eight beatitudes 9 Ladies Dancing refers to the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit 10 Lords A-leaping refers to the ten commandments 11 Pipers Piping refers to the eleven faithful apostles 12 Drummers Drumming refers to the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle's Creed.

In God We Trust

In God We Trust - Read on this thought provoking story and have a wonderful day.A woman of modest means and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at the husband's employer's home. The boss was very wealthy, with an estate home and several cars costing more than the average house.

The woman delighted to experience first hand the life of the extremely wealthy. The boss indulged his guests both at home on his estate as well as out as exclusive dining establishments.

On one occasion as they were about to enter an exclusive restaurant, the boss was walking slightly ahead of them. He stopped suddenly, looking down on the pavement for a long, silent moment.

An awkward silence folllowed. There was nothing on the ground except a single darkened penny that someone had dropped, a few cigarette butts and assorted litter. Quietly, the rich man reached down and picked up the penny.

He held it up and smiled, then put it in his pocket as if he had found a great treasure. How absurd! What need did this man have of a single penny? Why would he even take the time to stop and pick it up?

Throughout dinner, the penny bothered her. Finally, she causally mentioned that her son once had a coin collection, and asked if the penny he had found had been rare.

A smile crept across the man's face as he reached into his pocket for the penny and held it out for her to see.

"Look at it." He said. "Read what it says." She read the words "United States of America."

"No, not that; read further."

"One cent?" "No, keep reading."

"In God we Trust?" "Yes!" "And?"

"And if I trust in God, the name of God is holy, even on a coin. Whenever I find a coin I see that inscription. It is written on every single United States coin, but we never seem to notice it!

God drops a message right in front of me telling me to trust Him? Who am I to pass it by?

When I see a coin, I pray, I stop to see if my trust IS in God at that moment. I pick the coin up as a response to God; that I do trust in Him. For a short time, at least, I cherish it as if it were gold. I think it is God's way of starting a conversation with me. Lucky for me, God is patient and pennies are plentiful!"

Give dignity & respect

Give dignity & respect
Love without hesitation
Share with those in need
Spread a positive message
Do it with no expectations

Farmer and Young son

A very meaningful message- Have a great day.A farmer & his young son went into the wheat fields at harvest time. As they looked across the waving fields of golden grain, the boy exclaimed, "Look, Father, at those wheat heads that hold themselves up so proudly. They must be the ones that are filled with grain, & I would suppose that those with their heads bowed are of no account."

"How foolish you are, my Son!" the farmer said, & taking some of the heads in his hands, he showed the boy that the heads that stood up so proudly had only a few, poor, shriveled grains or were complete empty, while those that bowed their heads humbly were filled with large, full, golden kernels of wheat.

The Desire for Air - Leaders create needs Vs waiting to be imposed on by a need.

The Desire for Air - Leaders create needs Vs waiting to be imposed on by a need.A story about Plato and Socrates, A really good read and worth it....Read on here..

Plato's mentor was Socrates. Plato thought Socrates was the wisest person of this time and he passionately desired to learn all of Socrates' wisdom.

Legend has it that one day Socrates and Plato were walking down the beach deep in conversation. At one point, Socrates said to Plato, "Walk with me into the ocean." They turned and walked into the sea together.

Now, in your imagination, picture that... happening: Student and teacher, two of the greatest philosophers of history, striding into the surf side by side.

The water started out around their ankles, then rose up to their knees. As the water got higher Plato wondered, "What is the lesson my master is trying to teach me?"

When the water was about shoulder height, Socrates abruptly grabbed Plato's head and pushed him down under the water. As Plato was held down, he undoubtedly wondered again what this lesson was all about.

After a time, when Plato ran out of air, he began to struggle to get his head above water. He punched and kicked and grabbed to get free, but Socrates was a strong man and held him down. Finally, Plato blacked out due to lack of oxygen. Socrates pulled him ashore and resuscitated him.

When Plato regained consciousness, he angrily accused Socrates of trying to drown him. Socrates matter-of factly explained, "If that had been my intention, I would not have pulled you ashore."

"Then why did you do that?" Plato demanded.

Socrates calmly replied, "When you desire my knowledge like you desired that breath of air, then you shall have it."

So many people desire things. They wish for a wildly romantic long lasting relationship, for financial independence, for fame, or to make a difference in other people's lives, but for most people, they do not desire it like Plato wanted that breath of air.

Only with a large hunger will you put up with the large discomfort and inconvenience required to be successful. This is the single biggest reason why people aren't more successful in life and work. They don't truly NEED it.

The answer is to first create the NEED, then you shall have it.This is a practical reason for thinking bigger. It is too easy to provide for yourself and even your family. You must go on a hunt to find something more or better that moves you.Open up to how awful it feels to not be able to read and how you can do something about it, and you will be compelled to take action.

Question: How bad do you want to achieve your goals? And what are you going to do in order to make that a reality?

Develop a hunger for something important. Challenge and test the people you are mentoring or who are your next layer of management or leadership.

Action Step #1

Pick something that truly matters to you that you desire. Visit it. Literally, spend time with that desire and recall all the specific reasons you want that. Share your desire and reasons with select family members and friends.

An Example

Let’s say you want a new home. Write down the tangible reasons (i.e. investment value, shorter commute, etc.), pleasure reasons (i.e. recreation, relaxation, etc.), and emotional reasons (i.e. how it will make you feel in terms of freedom, security, self-esteem, etc.).

Action Step #2

Pick prospective leaders from among your key business partners or teammates and give them a test. Individually, have them tackle an ongoing problem. Perhaps it is a negative person or a situation that isn’t being resolved. Give them something meaningful to do, but put them in over their head, too. This is how they get stronger and build muscles. You can be their lifeline if they start to drown.

An Example

The major mentor in my life for eight years was a man named Tom Willhite. He died in a plane accident at the age of 43.

Tom’s dream was to build a college, but he didn’t live long enough to see that. To pay him back for all I learned from him, I committed to raising $4 million dollars and putting up an educational facility.

To build my desire into a bonfire of passion, I started by looking at the original plans Tom had and later at the actual architectural drawings. In the middle of the fund-raising campaign, I brought many of the key donors to the actual land and we walked around as the building was going up. I visualized memories of conversations Tom and I had about his dream and I pretended I was showing him the completed buildings in my mind. I imagined his satisfaction and my pride.

This fanning of the flames of desire is crucial, especially when you hit tough spots where things aren’t working as planned or going as well as you want. It helps you refocus and recommit and gives you renewed energy to complete your project.

“The more thou dost advance, the more thy feet pitfalls will meet. The Path that leadeth on is lighted by one fire-the light of daring burning in the heart. The more one dares, the more he shall obtain. The more he fears, the more that light shall pale–and that alone can guide.”
(Source - Klemmer and Associates)
(Painting - By Raphael, Socrates in Athens speaking with Plato)

Dear Lord.

Dear Lord, as I thank you for the gift of life, I also thank you for the gift of wonderful people I have met along this journey. Some of them inspire me, stretch me, challenge me, love me and encourage me. All of them helped me to realize how meaningful and beautiful my life is. I love them so much. Bless them Lord with good health, security, wealth, success, peace and joy. Grant their prayers too.Amen.

How much does a prayer weigh?

How much does a prayer weigh? - Read on this short story on prayer and have a very beautiful Sunday.
Louise Redden, a poorly dressed lady with a look of defeat on her face, walked into a grocery store. She approached the owner of the store in a most humble manner and asked if he would let her charge a few groceries. She softly explained that her husband was very ill and unable to work, they had seven children and they needed food. John Longhouse, the grocer, scoffed at her and requested that she leave his store.

Visualizing the family needs, she said: 'Please, sir! I will bring you the money just as soon as I can." John told her he could not give her credit, as she did not have a charge account at his store.

Standing beside the counter was a customer who overheard the conversation between the two. The customer walked forward and told the grocery man that he would stand good for whatever she needed for her family.

The grocery man said in a very reluctant voice, "Do you have a grocery list? Louise replied "Yes sir" "O.K." he said: "Put your grocery list on the scales and what ever your grocery list weighs, I will give you that amount in groceries."

Louise, hesitated a moment with a bowed head, then she reached into her purse and took out a piece of paper and scribbled something on it. She then laid the piece of paper on the scale carefully with her head still bowed. The eyes of the grocery man and the customer showed total amazement when the scales went down and stayed down.

The grocery man, staring at the scales, turned slowly to the customer and said begrudgingly, "I can't believe it." The customer smiled and the grocery man started putting the groceries on the other side of the scales.

The scale did not balance so he continued to put more and more groceries on them until the scales would hold no more. The grocery man stood there in utter disgust. Finally, he grabbed the piece of paper from the scales and looked at it with even greater amazement. It was not a grocery list, it was a prayer, which simply said: "Dear Lord, you know my needs and I am leaving this all in your hands."

The grocery man gave her the groceries that he had gathered and placed on the scales and stood in stunned silence. Louise thanked him and left the store. The customer handed a fifty-dollar bill to John as he said, "It was worth every penny."

It was sometime later that John Longhouse discovered the scales were broken; Therefore, only God knows how much a prayer weighs.

~Author Unknown~